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LCST 2436 (CRN: 8798)
Instructor: Rory Solomon
Monday & Wednesday, 10-11:40am
Our class Zoom meeting room. Password: 311938.
(The meeting room will be open 15 minutes before and after class time, and I encourage you to use that time to chat and hangout informally with your classmates as we would in our classroom if we were meeting in person.)
Click here to download an .ics file that contains the schedule of our meeting times for the semester, which you should be able to add to your calendar system of choice.
After class for 20 minutes, and by appointment — email me to schedule!
This course teaches code as an instrument of thought, exploration and expression relevant to many areas in the liberal arts, much like writing. One goal of a liberal arts education is to learn ideas and ways of thinking necessary to function in society. As the importance of computational systems spreads into every domain of modern life, code is no exception. Students will learn the fundamentals of computational thinking and how it relates to a number of creative and investigative pursuits from botmaking to data analysis to games, as well as explore broader social topics such as the influence of big data, machine learning and algorithmic bias in decision making. The semester will culminate with students applying their new coding knowledge to tackle a larger academic or creative project stemming from their existing studies and interests. No prior coding experience required. Students are expected to own a laptop computer, or check one out from the University and bring it with them to every class. This course fulfills the Intro Integrative course requirement in the Culture and Media major.
You can find the course syllabus here.