Due: Tuesday, January 26, 8pm
Get a deck of playing cards and shuffle it well. Then, carefully sort the deck so that you have all clubs, then the diamonds, then the hearts, then the spades. Within each suit, the order should be 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A.
As you are sorting, pay careful attention to the steps that you are taking, or the rules you might be following. Perhaps takes notes as you do so. When you are done, write an algorithm to sort a deck of cards: a specific and carefully crafted set of instructions that someone else could follow to sort a shuffled deck.
Create a new folder in your Google Drive folder named "Unit 1, exercise 1". Inside it, create a new Google Doc named "algorithm" and put your algorithm in that. If you also wish to include your notes or any documentation (photo, video) of your process, please feel free — but do so in a separate file.
Note: In general, homework will be due the following week, but for this week, please try to get your algorithm posted by Friday, as I plan to share it with a classmate and ask them to try to follow your instructions before next week. Thank you!