Code as a Liberal Art, Spring 2021

Unit 1, Exercise 2 lesson — Wednesday, January 26

Coding algorithms

Today we're going to go from the abstract idea of what algorithms are to actually implementing some algorithms in computer program code. We're going from the first exercise where you devised an algorithm for sorting a deck of cards, to implementing some algorithms in Python to sort numbers, words, and even filtering the pixels of an image.

So often in discussions of digital media, we talk about and theorize algorithms in general terms, as abstract, formal sequences of instructions. So much recent socio-political study of technology has rightly realized the need to reckon with the power and prevalence of algorithms and the ways they shape daily life, from shopping to socializing to how we acquire news. And while introductory computer programming and creative coding education typically claims to educate about how algorithms actually work, the fact is that most of the coding that we do in those contexts does not actually involve puzzling through the implementation of algorithms of the kinds studied by computer scientists, nor of the kinds that have become such influential mediators of our socio-cultural patterns. Today we're going to work through some exercises that might hopefully help you start to fill in that gap.

(An IBM 082 punch card sorting machine. You can find more information about this here.)

But first we're going to have to talk about some preliminaries to get setup to do that work ...

The command line


Next let's introduce Python in the command line context.


You can do a lot with just the Python shell. But if you want to write executable computer programs, you need to type them up into a text file. For this, we'll be using Atom.

Great! Now we can get started coding in Python.

Coding algorithms

Let's pause here and think about how you would design the following algorithm:

 Find the smallest number in a list of numbers.
(Similar to command line code and Python code, I will use this gray background with thin double-borders to indicate "pseudocode": this is not valid programming language syntax, but is plain English that is meant to read algorithmically. It is a kind of in-between step in the process of translating from human communication to machine instructions.)

It might be hard to actually think through the process that your brain is going through when you find the smallest number in a list. Maybe it will help if we consider an actual list of (basically random) numbers:

(I have referred to the first one starting with zero because that is what nearly all computer programming languages do.)

If you are like me, your mind may have done something like this:

Look at the first number, and let's call that "the smallest number" for the moment.

Now, compare the next number to "the smallest number":
  if the next number is smaller than "the smallest number", then it now becomes the smallest.
  Repeat this for every other number.

At the end of the list, "the smallest number" will be smaller than all the others.

Let's try to translate this into Python code. Create a new file in Atom (File > New File) and type this there.

Start by entering the list of numbers. Here is the Python syntax for that:

number_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]
Now, let's implement the first part of the algorithm:
number_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]

smallest_number = number_list[0]
(When working through coding examples, I will indicate newly added code in blue with a dotted underline.)

This new syntax says take the first item in the list (the [0]) and assign that to a variable called smallest_number.

The next part of the algorithm indicated repetition: Repeat this for every other number. In Python, we do that with a for loop, and the syntax looks like this:

number_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]

smallest_number = number_list[0]

for n in number_list:
    if n < smallest_number:
        smallest_number = n
That will loop over every number in the list, and temporarily refer to each one as n. Each time the loop executes, it will compare n (the current number in the list) to the current smallest number (i.e. smallest_number) and if n is smaller, it now becomes the smallest number.

That's it! That's all there is to this algorithm. Now we can just print an informative message at the end:

Example 1: Find the smallest number

number_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]

smallest_number = number_list[0]

for n in number_list:
    if n < smallest_number:
        smallest_number = n

print("The smallest number in this list is: " + str(smallest_number) )

The str() command converts the number into text (called a string). And the plus sign in this case (+) is not addition, but string concatenation: it just appends one string onto another.

Save this file in Atom (File > Save) and name it

Try running this file from the command line and see what happens:

$ python
The smallest number in this list is: 1	
Perhaps not the most exciting output, but part of what is great here is that you could modify this list, even adding thousands of numbers, and the algorithm would still work well.

Swapping out text for numbers

One great thing about Python is that many of the comparison operators (e.g. < and >) work equally well for text as for numbers. This will be an exercise in the homework.


Let's try a slightly more complicated algorithm: putting a list of numbers in order. Computer scientists call this sorting - perhaps somewhat of a misnomer.

Thinking back to your card sorting algorithm, how might we describe a strategy to put a list of numbers into increasing order?

Using some of the same principles from our Smallest Number algorithm, let's try this:

Given a list of unordered numbers

Make a new, empty list

Put the first item from the unordered list into the new list

Now consider the next item in the unordered list:
    If it is smaller than the item in the new list, then put it first
    If it is larger than the item in the new list, put after

For each subsequent item in the unordered list, find where it fits into the new list.
In other words:
For each item in the unordered list:
    Compare it to each item in the new list:
        If it is bigger, move on
        If it is smaller, insert it before

Let's implement this in Python as well. Make a new file in Atom (File > New File). Start with the input list again:

unordered_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]

Now we'll make a new, empty list, like this:

unordered_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]
new_list = []

Now, as I described, take the first item from the unordered list and put it into the new list:

unordered_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]
new_list = []

new_list.append( unordered_list[0] )
unordered_list[0] is how we reference the first item in the unordered list, and .append() is the command to add an item to a list.

Next we'll add a loop, to loop over all the items in the unordered list:

unordered_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]
new_list = []

new_list.append( unordered_list[0] )

for item in unordered_list:

    # something will go in here ... 
By the way, any line that starts with # is a comment and Python ignores it.

What do we do with each item from the underline list? We have to check it against each item in the new list. So we need another loop. This one will look a little different:

unordered_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]

new_list = []

new_list.append( unordered_list[0] )

for item in unordered_list:

    j = 0
    while item > new_list[j]:
        j = j + 1

    new_list.insert( j, item )
This is a new control structure called a while loop. This new variable j starts out as 0. Then we compare the item from the unordered list with the first item of the new list. If it is greater, we increase j and keep repeating this process. But as soon as the item is not greater than the next item in the new list, we'll have found the place where it belongs. In other words, j will indicate its position. So we can use the .insert() command to insert item at the position indicated by j.

There's only one last problem. Try saving this and running it. You will probably get an error message like this:

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 14, in <module>
    while  item > new_list[j]:
IndexError: list index out of range
The problem here occurs when item is greater than everything in the new list. So this while loop gets to the very end, and j is bigger than the size of the list. So the insert gives an error. We can fix it with the following check:
unordered_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]

new_list = []

new_list.append( unordered_list[0] )

for item in unordered_list:

    j = 0
    while j < len(new_list) and item > new_list[j]:
        j = j + 1

    new_list.insert( j, item )
This will guarantee that j does not get too big.

Save this, run it again, and you shouldn't any error messages. But did it work? Add some print() statements to watch the new list getting sorted as the algorithm runs.

Example 2: Insertion sort

unordered_list = [ 234, 2, 6, 42, 1, 124, 687, 5, 674, 45, 67, 99, 23 ]

new_list = []

new_list.append( unordered_list[0] )


for item in unordered_list:


    j = 0
    while j < len(new_list) and item > new_list[j]:
        j = j + 1

    new_list.insert( j, item )



I've talked about how this first unit of the course will be focused on digital formalism and examination of some of the fundamental forms of computational media: bits, pixels, images, files. Many of the principles touched on in the above coding examples can be applied to these digital forms, and we will explore these techniques in the coming weeks.

The image on the left is a histogram that shows the relative amounts of various color components (red, green, and blue) in a digital image. The image on the right is the result of a filter applied to replace all colors in the image with only 4 or 5 colors, determined based on the brightness of pixels in the original.

For example, the below code sample opens an image and applies a filtering algorithm which loops over the image, pixel by pixel, checking each one for brightness. Pixels that are below a certain level of brightness are simply replaced with white. A sample output of what this looks like is below.

Example 3: Filtering image pixels

from PIL import Image 
from PIL import ImageColor

img ="fire.jpg")

new_img = img.convert(mode="HSV")

(width,height) = new_img.size

for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):
        if new_img.getpixel((x,y))[2] < 50:
            new_img.putpixel( (x,y), ImageColor.getcolor("white","RGBA") )


Wrapping up ...

Hopefully this gives you some building blocks in algorithmic thinking that you can play with. The homework for this week has some opportunities for you to experiment with these ideas. Have fun!