Code as a Liberal Art, Spring 2021

Unit 2, Exercise 2 lesson — Wednesday, March 3

Web Scraping, Web Crawling, Network Analysis

Last week we started talking about data structures: the various types of models and forms for organizing data in computer programs. We looked at three of the main data structures in Python: lists, tuples, and dictionaries.

Remember that we talked about how lists (Python docs) are particularly well-suited for storing sequences of data, in cases where the order is important. Lists can grow dynamically, can easily become very large, can be sorted and resorted in different orders, and can easily have elements added or removed from anywhere — beginning, middle, or end. You reference a specific item in a list by its index, and importantly, lists are always indexed numerically, using numbers in square brackets.

Here's a refresher on some common list operations:

>>> new_list = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
>>> new_list
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> len(new_list)
>>> new_list.append("d")
>>> new_list
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> new_list.remove("a")
>>> new_list
['b', 'c', 'd']
>>> new_list.insert(0,"z")
>>> new_list
['z', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> new_list.sort()
>>> new_list
['b', 'c', 'd', 'z']
>>> last_value = new_list.pop()
>>> last_value
>>> new_list
['b', 'c', 'd']
Note that I've shown a new list operation here: pop(). This removes the last value from a list and returns that value — in other words, it allows you to set a variable to that value with the assignment operator: =.

We also talked about tuples (Python docs), named in reference to the idea of a pair, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, or etc ... From the name "n-tuple". Like lists, tuples store sequences of values in order. Python actually refers to both lists and tuples as sequences (Python docs), which is why they can both be indexed numerically with numbers in square brackets. But unlike lists, tuples are not dynamic. In fact they are what's called immutable: their values cannot change. They cannot be sorted or resorted, you cannot add or remove values from them. Tuples can be used for things like the x,y values of the pixel in a digital image, or perhaps information identifying a person or thing — the example I gave last class was the way that a hospital records system might use tuples like (first_name, last_name, date_of_birth) to uniquely identify a patient.

Illustrating the limited number of operations that tuples allow:

>>> tup = ("Gritty", "Monsteur", "7-13-1901")
>>> tup
('Gritty', 'Monsteur', '7-13-1901')
>>> tup[1]
>>> tup.sort()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'sort'
>>> tup.remove("Gritty")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'remove'
>>> tup.append("orange")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'

And lastly, we talked about dictionaries (Python docs): collections of key-value pairs. Dictionaries are unsorted by default, although you can sort them by key or value if you need to. Dictionaries are also dynamic and can have keys and values added or removed, and can easily grow quite large. Unlike lists, dictionaries can have any arbitrary value as a key, and are referenced by putting this value in square brackets like an index. Importantly, you can check if a given key is in a dictionary.

>>> new_dictionary = { "first_name": "Gritty", "hair": "orange", "species": "monster" }
>>> new_dictionary
{'first_name': 'Gritty', 'hair': 'orange', 'species': 'monster'}
>>> new_dictionary["last_name"] = "Monsteur"
>>> new_dictionary
{ 'first_name': 'Gritty', 'hair': 'orange',
  'species': 'monster', 'last_name': 'Monsteur'}
>>> "first_name" in new_dictionary
>>> new_dictionary["first_name"]
>>> name = new_dictionary.pop("first_name")
>>> name
>>> new_dictionary
{'hair': 'orange', 'species': 'monster', 'last_name': 'Monsteur'}
>>> len(new_dictionary)

Information scraping on a Chicago street after the White Sox won the world series, 2005. (From Twitter user ryankolak)

Data scraping

Now that we have this wonderful, rich toolbox of data structures to work with, let's start thinking about some new ways of getting data into them.

One way to do this is a technique known as web scraping, which essentially means using tools like computer programs and scripts to automate the tasks of gathering data from public web sites. I'm not sure the origins of this term, but it is semantically similar to web crawling, a term used to describe what search engines do when they index the web by using algorithms to automatically comb through all websites. It would be interesting to perhaps trace the differing origins of web scraping and web crawling and what types of techno-political work these various terms perform in how we understand these operations and who does them.

Interestingly, there has been recent litigation around the legality of web scraping. University of Michigan legal scholar Christian Sandvig (whose article about sorting we read during the first week of the semester) was one of the plaintiffs in these proceedings.

In my opinion, it is difficult to understand how this could be considered illegal when gathering data in this way is essentially the business model of Google and every search engine or platform that indexes web content. It is almost as if when industry does it, it's called web crawling, but when individuals do it, it's referred to more menacingly as web scraping, and becomes legally challenged.

Scraping tools

To do this work, we're going to need some new tools, in the form of two new Python libraries: the requests library, which facilitates the downloading of webpage content from within Python, and Beautiful Soup, a library that offers utilities for parsing web pages. Install them at the command line (not in the Python shell), with the following commands (or whatever variation of pip worked for you when installed Pillow):

$ pip install requests
$ pip install beautifulsoup4

You'll see some output about "downloading", hopefully a progress bar, and hopefully a message that it's been "Successfully installed". If you see a "WARNING" about your pip version, that does not mean anything is necessarily wrong. Test that your installation worked by running the Python shell and typing two commands, like this:

$ python
>>> import requests
>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
If your shell looks like mine (no output) then that means everything worked.

Downloading a webpage with Python

To get started, let's download the front page of the New York Times website:

>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get("")
>>> response
<Response [200]>
If you see something like this, it means that this worked! The web is structured around requests and responses. Usually, you would type a URL or click on a link in your web browser, and your browser on your computer would make a request to a program on another computer called a server. Your browser's request is specially formatted in accordance with HTTP: the hypertext transfer protocol. A web browser and web server are both just computer programs that are able to encode and decode the rules of this protocol. When the server receives a request, it replies with a response, which your browser receives and uses to extract the HTML that is rendered to you in your browser window.

What we've just done here is all of that but without the user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) of the browser. Sometimes people call this a "headless" mode: doing the work of a GUI application but without the visual display. In effect, we are using Python code as our web browser: making requests, and receiving responses. HTTP specifies that 200 be used for a successfully fulfilled request, which is what you should see in the Python shell. Now we have to figure out what to do with this response.

The response object contains various fields that you can access to learn about the response:

Play around with these by typing them in to your Python shell — but don't type response.text, that is way too big. If you want to get a teaser about what this contains, type the following:
>>> response.text[:500]
'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="en-US"  xmlns:og="">
\n  <head>\n    <title data-rh="true">The New York Ti ...
That is using a strange new Python square bracket indexing notation called a slice, and it returns the first 500 characters of the string. That will show you a somewhat readable bit of the response.

What should we do with this response? One thing we can do is simply save the response to disk, as a file. So far you have worked with files in Python as a way to read text, and as a way to write pixel data to make images. But you can also work with files as a way to write text.

We could save the entire HTML contents, like so:

>>> nytimes = open('FILENAME.html', 'wb')
>>> for chunk in response.iter_content(100000):
...   nytimes.write(chunk)
Because of the way that files work, it is better to write the file to disk in these large segments of data that we called here chunk, each of 100000 bytes (100KB). Now, whatever you specified as FILENAME.html will exist as an HTML file in your current working directory. You can open that in Finder/Explorer, and double click the file to open it in your browser.

What else can we do with the response? Well if you wanted to take human-readable textual content of this response and start to work with it as you have been doing — for example, to generate things like word frequency counts, finding largest words, and other algorithmic processing, you can start working with response.text. However, as you can see when you examine a slice of that data, this contains a bunch of HTML tags, Javascript code, and other meta data that probably wouldn't be relevant to your textual analysis.

(Unless ... Maybe someone would want to do textual analysis on HTML code, treating it like a human language text, and analyze word lengths, frequencies, etc. Could be an interesting project.)

To start working with the content of this response in a way that focuses on the human-readable textual content and not the HTML code, we can parse the HTML using the Beautiful Soup library. Parsing is the term for dividing up any syntax into constituent elements to determine their individual meanings, and the meaning of the whole. Web browsers parse HTML, and then render that document as a GUI.

As an interesting first parsing operation, let's use Beautiful Soup simply to extract all the plain textual content, stripping out all the HTML:

>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
>>> plain_text = soup.get_text()
>>> plain_text[:500]
'\n\n\nThe New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and
Videos\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nContinue reading the
main storySectionsSEARCHSkip to contentSkip to site indexU.S.International
CanadaEspañol中文Log inToday’s Paper ...
On the first line, we are passing response.text in to the BeautifulSoup object. On the next line, we're telling the BeautifulSoup object, which I have called soup but you could call anything, to give us just the text, which I'm setting into a variable called plain_text, but again, you could call anything. Now, when I print a slice of the first 500 characters to the shell, you can see that it has stripped out all the HTML tags and meta data, giving me just the text — well, also some strangely encoded characters, and the spacing is a little messed up, but it looks like something you could work with. For example, if you look at another slice of the document, it looks pretty good:
>>> plain_text[1000:1500]
'with Merck to boost production of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine.President
Biden said his administration had provided support to Johnson & Johnson
that would enable the U.S. ...
We could save this plain text to a file as well if you wish:
>>> nytimes_plain = open('FILENAME.txt', 'w')
>>> nytimes_plain.write(plain_text)
>>> nytimes_plain.close()
Note the .txt file extension to indicate this is plain text and not HTML. Note also that in open() I am using 'w' this time instead of 'wb' as above. Since I'm using a string here instead of a response object, this other mode of writing a file is possible and simpler.

Parsing HTML

But Beautiful Soup let's us do much more than just strip out all the HTML tags of a web page, it actually let's us use those HTML tags to select specific parts of the document. Let's use Beautiful Soup to try to pull out the links connecting pages together, and use a data structure to piece together a data representation of the structure of a web site: a data version of a sitemap.

First, before we can do this, we have to poke around a bit in the structure of the HTML that we want to parse. Open up in your browser. If you are using Chrome, you can right-click anywhere in the HTML and select "Inspect" to view the underlying code of this webpage. (If you don't have Chrome, you can still do this with any up-to-date browser, but I can't offer details instructions for each one. One Firefox for example, it is almost the same as Chrome: right-click anywhere in the page, and select "Inspect element".) Doing this will open up a kind of developer console, comprised of many tools that you can use to disect a webpage, and the various requests and responses that generated it.

Play around a bit. Right-click on several parts of the page, select "Inspect", and then see what the underlying HTML code is for this section of the document. Also, you can move the mouse pointer around in the "Elements" tab in the developer console, and as you highlight different HTML elements, you should see those highlighted in the GUI area. This can be a very effective way to learn HTML/CSS, and we'll come back to this in the final unit of the semester.

For the current task, let's right-click on some clickable headlines, and see what they look like in HTML. Here's one:

You may already know a little HTML and CSS. Again, we'll come back to it later in the semester. For this task, suffice it to say that links between pages are constructed through an HTML element known as an <a> tag, whose syntax looks like this:

<a href="http://url-of-this-link" other-properties>Visual text of the link</a>
That syntax will display "Visual text of the link" to the user, and when the user clicks that link, it will take them to the URL http://url-of-this-link.

Looking at the particular headline that I've highlighted above, I can see that it looks like there is an HTML element that looks like this:

<section class="story-wrapper">
and adjacent ("inside") that <section> element is the <a> tag containing the URL of this clickable headline. Clicking around, it looks like most of the clickable headline links follow that same structure.

Beautiful Soup gives us functions in its API specifically for parsing and retrieving all the elements of an HTML file matching some criteria, just like what we've identified here. (See the Beautiful Soup documentation, "Searching the tree" section.) Specifically, what we'll do is match all HTML elements named section that also have a class property set to story-wrapper. Beautiful Soup offers functionality for doing this with the searching by class functionality of the find_all() function. You can use it in the Python shell like this:

>>> sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")
The variable name sections here is arbitrary and can be anything you'd like.

Now you could say sections[0] to see the first HTML element that matches this criteria. The syntax for Beautiful Soup is quite user-friendly. We know that we want to access an <a> tag within the section tag, so we can do that like this:

>>> sections[0].a
<a class="css-kej3w4" data-story="nyt://article/a104ad0e-ad2d- ...
and if we want to get teh href property of that <a> tag, we can do it like this:
>>> sections[0].a["href"]
' ...

So what we want to do now is iterate (loop) over all these <section> HTML elements, contained in the sections variable, access the <a> tags inside, and extract the URL from them. But this is getting complicated. Let's move into a .py file. Open Atom, create a new file, and let's put all the aboe together into it:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

response = requests.get("")

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")	
Now let's loop over all those sections
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

response = requests.get("")

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")

for section in sections:
    url = section.a["href"]

OK, well what are we going to do with those URLs? Let's put them into a list, so we can then later go retrieve the HTML pages that they point to:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url_queue = []

response = requests.get("")

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")

for section in sections:
    url = section.a["href"]

Now that we're added all the URLs from the story links on this page into a queue, how should we go about accessing them? Let's reorganize our code a little bit. We have not use functions very much this semester. Functions are a way to take some snippet of algorithm, give it a name, and make it reusable. Sometimes functions are called subrounties, procedures or methods. (Each of these terms has a slightly different meaning, but they are broadly speaking the same idea.)

To move forward here, it will be useful to have our code in a subroutine, so let's do that, using the Python syntax for this:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url_queue = []

# Define the function:
def process_next_url():
    response = requests.get("")

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

    sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")

    for section in sections:
        url = section.a["href"]

# Call the function:

Here I have just moved all the code into a function called process_next_url, defined with the def keyword. And I am calling this function once, a few lines later. Pay careful attention to the indentation here. A function introduces a new code block (as indicated by the colon :, which means that everything must be indented to be considered "in" that block.

However, nothing has changed in terms of behavior. Every time I call this function it does the exact same thing. Since I am adding new URLs to the url_queue list, what I would like to do is be able to call this function, and each time I call it, it processes the next URL in the list. That would look like this:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url_queue = []


# Define the function:
def process_next_url():

    next_url = url_queue.pop(0)
    response = requests.get(next_url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

    sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")

    for section in sections:
        url = section.a["href"]

# Call the function
Now, I start by adding "" to my queue, and inside process_next_url, I'm calling pop() but passing an argument: 0. This says to remove the first element from the list. So my algorithm is:
  1. Adding my first URL to the queue
  2. Call my function
  3. My function processes that URL and adds more URLs to the queue
The last thing I'd like to do now is repeat the process. So I can put my invocation of this function in a loop. As long as there is a URL in the queue, I want to process it:

Example 1: Implementing a URL-processing queue with a list

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url_queue = []


# Define the function:
def process_next_url():

    next_url = url_queue.pop(0)
    response = requests.get(next_url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

    sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")

    for section in sections:
        url = section.a["href"]

# Call the function
while len(url_queue) > 0:

What we have just implemented here is a different data structure called a queue. As you can see, queues can be implemented using a list, so it isn't entirely a different data structure, strictly speaking. But it is a kind of usage pattern, for one way you might use a list. Adding things on to the end, and removing things from the beginning. This is called a FIFO queue, or, "first in, first out".

Probably every page on the New York Times website includes at least more than one link to other URLs. So, this algorithm will keep adding more URls onto the queue faster than it can process them. In other words, the queue will keep getting longer, will never be emptied, and the while loop will never end. Let's add some logic to end this loop. But first, let's do something a little more interesting with these pages.

Mapping connections

Now that we're processing all these pages, let's try to stuff them into a data structure in a way that will help us make a sitemap.

The idea here is that I want to save each web page that we process. We can save a bit of information about each one, like say, it's title. And let's also save a list of links that this page points to. What data structure(s) should we use here?

Let's use a dictionary to store our web pages, with the URLs as keys. Each key can point to another dictionary comprised of the page title, and a list of URLs that this page points to.

Putting that all together:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url_queue = []

pages = {}

# Define the function:
def process_next_url():

    next_url = url_queue.pop(0)

    # If we have already processed this URL don't process again,
    # Call return to end this subroutine
    if next_url in pages:

    response = requests.get(next_url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

    sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")

    linked_pages = []
    for section in sections:
        url = section.a["href"]

    title = soup.title.string
    pages[next_url] = { "title": title, "linked_pages": linked_pages }

# Call the function
while len(url_queue) > 0:

Now maybe we can use pages as some criteria to stop after a while. For now, let's say we'll stop after we've processed 10 pages.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url_queue = []

pages = {}

# Define the function:
def process_next_url():

    next_url = url_queue.pop(0)

    # If we have already processed this URL don't process again,
    # Call return to end this subroutine
    if next_url in pages:

    response = requests.get(next_url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

    sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")

    linked_pages = []
    for section in sections:
        url = section.a["href"]

    title = soup.title.string
    pages[next_url] = { "title": title, "linked_pages": linked_pages }

# Call the function
while len(url_queue) > 0 and len(pages) < 10:
If you'd like, at this point, you can add one last line here that calls print(pages) to print out the data structure you just made.


The data structure that we assembled here to keep track of pages and their linkages could do really well as the basis of a network diagram. In this case, that kind of diagram would serve as a kind of automatically-generated sitemap.

This type of visualization is generally called a network diagram, or a graph. There is a library called NetworkX which adds shortcuts to help you build and work with these types of network diagrams. They can be used to visualize social networks, web sites full of pages, or any other collection of associations.

We could try to visualize this using two additional libraries. Install them with the following commands:

$ pip install networkx
$ pip install matplotlib      

And add imports for them at the top of your file:

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Have a look at the documentation for NetworkX library. As is explained there, building up a network diagram, or graph, is not too complicated, and this is partly because our data structure is so well-suited to the task. It's as simple as this:

G = nx.Graph()

for key in pages:
    for link in pages[key]["linked_pages"]:
Loop over the URLs (i.e., the keys of the dictionary), and for each URL (for each key), access the list of linked pages for that URL. For each linked page, add that pair (the URL for the key, and the URL from the list) to the graph. In the language of graphs, a link is called an edge.

And the commands to then visualize that aren't too complicated either:

nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold')

Putting that all together, the code ends up looking like this. I had to add in some extra error checking, shown below in blue:

Example 2. Putting it all together.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

url_queue = []

pages = {}

# Define the function:
def process_next_url():

    next_url = url_queue.pop(0)

    # If we have already processed this URL, don't process again
    if next_url in pages:
    response = requests.get(next_url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

    sections = soup.find_all("section", class_="story-wrapper")

    if len(sections) == 0:
        # then we're processing a page that's not the front
        sections = soup.find_all("section",attrs={"name": "articleBody"})
    linked_pages = []
    for section in sections:
        url = section.a["href"]

        title = soup.title.string
        title = "blank"
    pages[next_url] = { "title": title, "linked_pages": linked_pages }

# Call the function
while len(url_queue) > 0 and len(pages) < 30:

# Visualize
print("Visualizing now")

G = nx.Graph()

for key in pages:
    for link in pages[key]["linked_pages"]:

nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold')
I'm asking you to work with this concept in the homework for this week.

Have fun!