Due for in-class presentation: Monday, May 10 Final revision and write-up due: Friday, May 14, 10pm
Create a hypermedia essay that reflects on the concepts of the course this semester emphasizing Unit 3.
Select some concepts from our readings and discussions this semester. I encourage you to revist your notes, reading responses, and my presentation slides. Think about an argument that you can construct out of these ideas as you would do for a written paper. Think about links and connections between the concepts.
Reflect on the concepts that we are discussing in Unit 3 about the materiality of the digital. Include some self-reflexivity about the materiality of the tools that you are using to create and publish this project and that we have been using all semester. Dilate your perspective and think infrastructurally — taking into account the broader assemblage of systems on which digital work depends.
Capture or record evidence of an infrastructure of digital work somehow through photos, sounds, videos, drawings, observational notes, or something else. Grant yourself some leeway and take some liberties here — in other words, if you see a cell phone tower, you could take a picture of it and include whether or not you're able to confirm that is the cell tower your device is connecting to. (Think about the Ingrid Burrington reading and Ben Mendelsohn video in particular.)
Include at least one multimedia object on each page, and at least 2 different types of multimedia object in the project overall - image (photo, drawing, digital graphic), audio, video. you can be self-reflexive here ("this is the router I'm using.") or not ("this is a fiber optic cable maintenance hole cover.")
If you are able to craft some connections between conceptual material and physical material that is wonderful. but if you have some awkward or disjointed juxtapositions, that is fine too
Use some javascript so that there is at least one interactive element to the project. Consider some of the examples we considered in class such as the NY Times "Snowfall" project.
Link to at least two other classmate's websites. You should have at least 5 pages, and one CSS file and one JS file. You should also include approximately 1200-1500 words — the equivalent of about a 4-5 page paper.