Code as a Liberal Art, Spring 2024

Unit 3, Lesson 2 — Thursday, May 2

CSS and Multimedia

As we've been digging in to all this history (and pre-history) of the web, I've been repeatedly saying that hypermedia, also known as hypertext, can probably be best defined as documents, or pages, connected together with links, and incorporating not just text, but other multimedia such as images (photos or graphics), sound, video, or other digital objects. Last week we talked about the first steps of creating hypermedia by creating HTML pages (plain text files ending with a .html extension) that contain images and links to other pages.

Panels 45-48 of Aby Warburg's "Mnemosyne Atlas": presented here as an example of crafting a layout of images.

Refresher of some ideas from last week

Last class we started from the very beginning:

Let's move on to new material for today ...

Table of contents

Table of contents for the topics today: (Click to jump down to the corresponding section.)

  1. Structure and content, versus appearance
  2. Example of HTML as structure
  3. A layout to work with
  4. Introducing CSS
    1. CSS syntax
    2. Including CSS in an HTML page
    3. Building our layout
    4. The box model
    5. Working with multiple pages
    6. Going further ...
  5. Multimedia
    1. Adding audio to HTML pages
    2. Adding video to HTML pages

I. Structure and content, versus appearance

Some HTML tags (like <h1> or <em>) affect the appearance of your content. Other tags (like <p> and <div>) don't really seem to have any effect yet.

HTML was invented as a markup language for desrcibing documents and multimedia content. It was never really intended initially as something to implement very complicated user interactions and visual interfaces. Over time those features came to be added in, and initially they were added with new features of HTML itself. But people found this to be frustrating and inadequate. Recalling ideas from our Manovich, think about how digital media is so often biased toward modularity and reusability. People wanted HTML to implement these behaviors, so as HTML matured, with the adoption of CSS and HTML5, there has been development away from HTML tags that control the appearance of content, and toward these other types of tags that don't really seem to have any effect. You may ask: What is the purpose of an HTML tag that does not have any effect on the appearance of its content? The answer is that HTML tags are primarily used not for controlling the appearance of a document, but rather for specifying the structure of a document.

By structure I mean any of the components of a document that may have semantic or organizational significance. Think about a newspaper, for example: it has a title, a main headline, secondary headlines, articles with body paragraphs, maybe smaller blocks containing excerpts or teasers of other articles, etc. Or to take a simpler example, a basic report or article may contain: a title, a subheader, a byline, and sub-sections, each containing a section title and body paragraphs — perhaps the article also starts with a listing of all these sub-sections. A body paragraph may contain a list, or maybe an outline composed of a list where each item also contains its own sub-list.

In all of these examples, I am describing the structure of a document. This kind of structure is much more "freeform" in a way than the data structures that we were creating in unit 2. But they are considered structures in a different way, nonetheless.

Something to think about: what data structure(s) might you use if you were trying to implement a program that stored an HTML document in some way that you could operate on it?

Remember that because HTML tags can contain other HTML tags that the internal structure of an HTML document is like that of a tree.

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II. Example of HTML as structure

Here's an example of a snippet of HTML code that demonstrates how you might use tags to create a document structure, and the default appearance for this HTML code as defined by your browser. This code also introduces the <ul> and <li> tags, which indicate an unordered list and a list item, respectively. In an unordered list, items are indicated with bullets. (HTML also offers an ordered list, <ol>, which defaults to list items being displayed with numerical indicators.)

Notice that I am using three <div> tags here that are not visible on the right, but they are contributing to defining the structure of this document. <div> tags are used to indicate blocks, or sections of content. In a minute we'll see how these can function as things whose appearance you can control with CSS.

<h2>By Gritty Monsteur</h2>
    I was born thousands of years ago
    in Monsterville.
    I come from a long line of monsters.
    I like:
	<li>ice skating</li>
	<li>the color orange</li>
	<li>doing pranks</li>
    One day I hope to be a hockey player.


By Gritty Monsteur


I was born thousands of years ago in Monsterville.

I come from a long line of monsters.


I like:

  • ice skating
  • the color orange
  • doing pranks


One day I hope to be a hockey player.

The internal DOM tree structure of this HTML snippet.

The structure of an HTML document can also add semantic significance to its contents. Think about how you were analyzing HTML documents when doing your web scraping work. Web crawlers and web scrapers will often use HTML tags that specify structure as ways to infer the semantic meaning of a document. For example, something in an <h1> will likely be a title or other important keywords for the page, while <li> tags will likely indicate some kind of listed information which, depending on other context, could be names, dates, prices, etc.

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III. A layout to work with

As we begin working with CSS, let's begin by working toward a page with this layout:

To get started, let's create an HTML file that defines a structure that could match up with this layout. The below HTML file starts with the template that I've provided, and uses <div>s to define four main sections of this document. Create a new file in VS Code and copy/paste or type this HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

  <p>A subtitle could go here</p>

    <h2>Column 1</h2>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
    <h2>Column 2</h2>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

    <h2>Column 3</h2>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
(That funny gibberish is called "Lorem Ipsum", and is a very common text that web designers and web developers use as a placeholder text when building a website for which you don't yet have the actual content. It is derived from Latin and meant to simulate the look of English. You can read more and generate chunks of it at

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IV. Introducing CSS

Now we can get started molding this HTML structure into the visual appearance and layout that we're working toward. We do this with CSS, which stands for Cascading StyleSheets. Where HTML specifies the structure and semantics of a document, CSS is deployed to control the visual display of that structure. As we've seen so far, most HTML tags have some kind of default appearance. CSS can be used to change and override any of these visual aspects. Any display properties that are not explicitly modified by your CSS code will fall back on the default properties for each tag, which are specified by your browser, and sometimes slightly different from one browser to another.

a. CSS Syntax

CSS code is comprised of a series of rules. The basic structure of a CSS rule is as follows:

(CSS code will always be displayed with a green background and rounded corners.)
h1 {
  color: red;
There are four main components to each rule:

Some other syntax rules:

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b. Including CSS in an HTML page

There are three ways to include this CSS in an HTML page:

  1. Inline. For any HTML tag, you can include an attribute named style, which can include CSS code. For example:
    <h1 style="color: red;">Header</h1>
    As above, you can specify multiple properties / values separated with semi-colons:
    <h1 style="color: red; border: solid 1px;">Header</h1>
    In this case, these rules will apply only to this one specific <h1> tag. No others.

    This is, in general, considered the worst way to apply CSS rules to your HTML. It is not general in any way, so if you want to apply similar styles to different tags, you have to copy/paste a lot of CSS code. Sometimes in limited cases though it can be a useful shortcut. But if you find yourself including a lot of CSS this way, switch to one of the below methods.

  2. Internal. A better way is to include a big chunk of CSS rules at the top of your document, in the <head> section using a <style> tag, like so: (This HTML is a snippet from the complete HTML file above, as indicated by the jagged border.)
    h1 {
      color: red;
      border: solid 1px;
    This method is probably a little better than inline. It helps separate your tags specifying the structure of the document and the rules for how it is displayed.
  3. External. This is probably the best method. With this technique, you place all your CSS code in a separate file, which you reference from your HTML file.

    To do this, create a new subfolder called css in your project folder, and within that, create a new file. I like to call my CSS file style.css, but you can call it anything you'd like, just make sure it ends in .css.

    Now, place your CSS rules in this file, and save it. The modify the <head> section of your HTML file like so:

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

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c. Building our layout

Now that we have two files, a .html linking to a corresponding .css, let's work on adding some rules to create the layout we want.

To start, let's add a rule that will help us visualize what is going on in our document right now. Add the following rule to your .css file, hit save, and reload your .html page in your browser:

div {
  border: solid 1px red;
You should see something that looks like this:

To achieve the layout we want, let's try adding a new CSS property to our rule: width. This is used (obviously) to set the visual width of an HTML tag on the screen. Try this:

div {
  border: solid 1px red;
  width: 100px;
The values are specified in pixels here. Now you should see something like this:

We are applying this rule to all <div> tags, but we only want to apply it to the three columns. Fortunately, there are some better and more specific ways that we can specify our selectors.

If you want to target a group of items on the page, you use an HTML attribute called a class. On the other hand, if you only want to target one specific HTML tag, you can use an attribute called id. We talked about this a little bit in unit 2. id would be used if there was an ID number coming out of a database or an element that we knew would always only exist once. Otherwise, you should probably use a class. Doing so requires two steps: adding the class to the tag in HTML, and adding it to your selector in CSS:

  <div class="column">
    <h2>Column 1</h2>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
  <div class="column">
    <h2>Column 2</h2>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

  <div class="column">
    <h2>Column 3</h2>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
You target classes in CSS with a dot . like so:
div.column {
    border: solid 1px red;
    width: 100px;
Now this will only target <div> elements with the class column. If you'd like, you could omit the HTML element to target any tag with this class, like so:
.column {
    border: solid 1px red;
    width: 100px;
Your usage will depend on what you are trying to do.

Saving & reloading, you should now see this, which indicates that your red borders are only being applied to those three <div> items we classed as column:

By the way, if you do want to use the id attribute to target one specific element, you would do it like so:

  <div id="item42">
    <h2>Column 1</h2>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
#item42 {
    border: solid 1px red;
    width: 100px;
As you can see, you use a hash symbol # in CSS to target an id attribute in HTML. The value here item42 is just an example value and could be anything.

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d. The box model

My narrow boxes are still stacked vertically. How to get them to spread out across the window horizontally?

This gets into a CSS topic known as the box model. Frankly, I find this very confusing. It is this kind of work that makes me feel like CSS coding is more of an art than a science and will often send me retreating back to the world of Python, with its more regular and reliable rules. But, plow on we must ...

The main idea is that each HTML element on the page has: a margin, a border, padding, and content. The CSS box model dicatates that you can specify the size, spacing, and appearance of each of these elements as a whole or individually for the top, right, bottom, and left sides.

Margin size is controlled with the margin property, for which you can specify one number or four numbers. Or you can specify the sides individually as separate properties: margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left. Similarly for padding. The border property has some additional properties you can set.

In CSS, when individual sides of boxes are targeted with four numbers, the order is always clockwise from the top: top, right, bottom, left.

(Click to enlarge.)

I find W3 Schools to be a reliable source of information about HTML and CSS coding. Read their article on the CSS box model here. That discusses borders and spacing around blocks like <div>s. Also, take a look at the article for float and clear.

The trick here is that CSS divides HTML elements into blocks and inline elements. Things like <div> and <p> are blocks, while things like <a> are inline. By default, block elements get stacked vertically, as if they are separate sections of a document on a page, while inline elements flow smoothly within a line, like words in a sentence, or the styles you would apply to those words. If you want block elements to flow left to right like words in a sentence of text, you have to apply the property called float. In this case, we'll give it the value left, meaning that the items should float over to the left, falling into place from left to right:

.column {
    border: solid 1px red;
    width: 100px;
    float: left;

You should now see this:

(As you can probably guess, you could also specify float: right; and get blocks that start on the right and fall into place flowing from right to left.

Try building on this and completing the layout as pictured above by adding additional properties to your rule for margin (adds space around the outside of an element, indicated in pixels) and padding (adds spacing internally within an element, also in pixels). Look these up on W3 Schools if you want to find an example. If you'd like, you can also specify width in percent, which refers to a percentage of the parent element.

If you would like to center the entire layout in the window, try adding the following rule to your CSS file:

body {
    width: 500px;
    margin: auto;

.column {
    border: solid 1px red;
    width: 100px;
    float: left;
You can adjust the value of width to suit your wishes.

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e. Working with multiple pages

Perhaps the greatest strength of CSS is that you can write one file of style rules and apply it to multiple pages. This allows you to create a website with a uniform look, without having to copy/paste style rules into many documents. It also allows you to make an edit in your .css file (in one place) and have that edit automatically take effect across your whole site. To use this, simply reference the same .css file from multiple .html files. In fact, for your homework this week and your final project, I would like you to only have one .css file that applies to your whole site.

If you really need to target some specific items on one single page, you can put those in an internal CSS section (see above) or use additional classes to target what you need.

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f. Going further ...

There are so many more CSS properties that you can experiment with. I can't possibly explain them all to you in class one-by-one. I recommend that you explore the W3 Schools website. In particular, have a look at:

I also highly encourage you to take advantage of all of VS Code's features, and in particular its really great ability to auto-complete when working with HTML and CSS. Try starting a CSS rule, typing some characters, and seeing what possible properties and values are valid there. This can be a tremendous resource and a fun way to learn.

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V. Multimedia

Adding multimedia such as audio and video files to webpages is actually not difficult. It works very similarly to adding images.

a. Adding audio to HTML pages

To create audio, first create another subfolder to hold these files. I recommend you call this audio in your website folder. This should be a sibling of your css folder. This is what I recommend you do for all audio files for your work. So now, your website folders might look like this:

MP3 files are probably the best and easiest to work with, although you can also use WAV files and other formats.

Now you can add audio with the following tag:

<audio controls>
  <source src="audio/spaghetti.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
  Your browser does not support the audio element.

The text spaghetti.mp3 should be changed to match the filename that you are working with.

The sentence that beings "Your browser" will only be displayed if the user's browser is not capable of playing this audio file. Feel free to change this text to anything that you'd like.

If you want the audio file to automatically start playing when the user visits your page, you should add the following attribute:

<audio controls autoplay>
  <source src="audio/spaghetti.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
  Your browser does not support the audio element.

If you want the audio file to play repeatedly as a loop, add the following attribute:

<audio controls loop>
  <source src="audio/spaghetti.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
  Your browser does not support the audio element.
If you want, you can feel free to use autoplay and loop together.

b. Adding video to HTML pages

Adding video to a webpage is very similar to audio. First create a folder named video in your website folder, next to your css and audio folders. Prepare your videos as mp4 files. Now your website folders might look like this:

Now you can add video to your page with the following tag:

<video width="320" height="240" controls>
  <source src="video/lumiere-train-1895.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  Your browser does not support the video element.

Sometimes you can run into complicated problems with video file formats, codecs, and etc. I believe .mp4 files should hopefully be fine. If you run into any issues, pelase contact me.

The width and height attributes will determine the size of the video within your page, and you can set these to any values you like. Note that if you specify both width and height and the dimensions are not proportionally the same as the video, some distortion will occur. If you'd like, you can only specify either width or height, and the video will be scaled appropriately.

As before, the sentence that beings "Your browser" will only be displayed if the user's browser is not capable of playing video files, and you can change this text as you would like.

Also as before, you can use autoplay and loop attributes. Additionally, you can use a mute attribute if you would like the video to play without any sound.


Continue all this in the homework assignment for this week.