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LCOD 2012, Section A (CRN: 11855)
Instructor: Rory Solomon
Wednesday, 9-11:40am, 6 East 16th
Street, room 602
(Click here to download an .ics file
that you can use to add all our meeting times to whatever calendar
system you use.)
Friday 11am-2pm, 65 West 11th Street, room B061; and by appointment — you may click here to schedule. (I had to reschedule my office hours from Wednesday to Friday due to a new commitment. Thanks for your flexibility.)
This course provides a basic introduction to coding for students with no prior experience using the Python computer language. It will introduce the use of computing and algorithms to web design, data analysis and visualization, and game design. Students will complete integrative projects within each of these areas, and leave the class with a strong foundation in the use of Python across a range of applications. Access to a working laptop will be expected throughout the semester. This course fulfills the Integrative Course requirement of the Culture and Media major.
You can find the course syllabus here.