February 22 – The grid as episteme and cultural technic



• Theodore Kaczynski, “Industrial Society and Its Future,” paragraphs 1-5, 24-58, and 99-142, from Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore Kaczynski, aka The Unabomber, 2010,
(Originally published by The Washington Post in September 1995)

• Bernhard Siegert, Cultural Techniques: Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real, chapter 6, “(Not) in Place: The Grid, or, Cultural Techniques of Ruling Spaces”, pg 97-120

• Rosalind Krauss, “Grids,” from the journal October, Summer 1979

• (Optional.) David Skrbina, “Introduction: A Revolutionary for Our Times,” from Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore Kaczynski, aka The Unabomber, 2010, pg 11-34

• (Optional.) Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, “The Smooth and the Striated,” from A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, 1987

• (Optional.) Michel Foucault, The Order of Things, Preface.

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