February 8 & 10 – “Wildness” as the preservation of the world



• Gilles Deleuze, “Desert Islands“, from Desert Islands and Other Texts, 1953-1974, Semiotext(e), 2004, 9-14. (If you’d like a little context for this strange text, the few paragraphs here offer some notes of interpretation that I think might help give some perspective: blog post from “Castaway Tales” by Christopher Palmer.)

• Henry David Thoreau, two chapters from Walden, or Life in the Woods, (1854): “Where I lived, and what I lived for,” and “Former inhabitants; and winter visitors”. Please note that I’ve included the complete text, and please don’t feel overwhelmed. Read as much as you’d like of course, but make sure to review the those two chapters.

Class artifacts

Tuesday, February 8: Today we watched “The Call of the Wild” by Ron Lamothe (2007). You can find the complete film here and some brief notes on the film.

Thursday, February 10: Reading discussion. Presentation slides.

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