Code as a Liberal Art, Spring 2021

Unit 1, Exercise 3 lesson — Wednesday, February 3

Homework review

Question asked in class: Why is it that string comparison does not seem to work correctly when comparing capitalized and lowercase letters?

This is a great question. The reason for this behavior is that when you use the comparison operators > and < on characters and strings, what you are actually comparing are the numerical values into which those characters and strings are encoded. In class I said that in Python strings are encoded using ASCII, and actually this was wrong. Well, I was trying to simplify my answer, but I simplified it a little too much. I mentioned that the "A" in "ASCII" stands for American, and this is indicative of various biases built into the way we typically encode digital information. That much is true. But the more accurate story is that Unicode, a standard invented to represent non-Latin alphabets and characters, is more widely used, so it is not right to assume any text is encoded as simple ASCII any more. (You can read more here.)

What I said is still mostly applicable however because plain text in the 26-letter Latin alphabet is encoded in Unicode using the same numerical encodings as ASCII, as a way of being backwards-compatible with older systems. So, you can still look up an ASCII table to see the numerical encodings of Latin text, but you should keep in mind that what you're really looking at is a small slice of the larger Unicode system. More precisely, you are probably working with UTF-8 text: a system for encoding Unicode text, probably the most popular with Latin alphabets.

Looking at a UTF-8 or ASCII table, you can see that "A" corresponds to 65 and "Z" to 90, while lowercase "a" corresponds to 97 and "z" to 122. That means that Python will do the following weird things: (Remember that # is a comment and Python ignores anything that comes after on the same line.)

>>> "A" < "B" # this looks good
>>> "a" < "b" # this looks too
>>> "z" < "b" # this is also fine
>>> "A" < "a" # hm, this doesn't seem right
>>> "Z" < "a" # OK this is wrong
>>> "A".lower() # the answer is to use lower()
>>> "A".lower() < "a".lower() # better
>>> "Z".lower() < "a".lower() # Great!
So the moral of the story is to use lower() on strings when you are trying to compare them for alphabetical order.

Images and files; encoding, decoding, transcoding; glitch

This week we're going to pick up on some ideas from the reading for this week and look at some ways to experiment with those ideas with actual programs. In particular, we're going to look at some ideas from the Lev Manovich text: digital objects as numerically encoded, modularity in the form of re-usable files and chunks of code, transcoding from one file format to another, and the easy variability of digital objects. In the background will be ideas from Kittler about encoding, and ideas about glitch techniques.

In all this, we'll be working through hands-on experiments and engagement with formal qualities of the digital, to better understand the digital formalism that is the them of this unit, and to offer you opportunities for creative expression through code. With these techniques you'll be working toward opportunities not to creatively produce digital objects yourself, but rather to create code that can generate a range of creative possibilities, of which you specify the parameters.

A still image from Dziga Vertov's 1929 film, "Man with a Movie Camera." In the Prologue to The Language of New Media, Manovich uses this film to talk about the digital. This image shows Vertov's collage techniques — highly innovative at the time. We'll be playing with this type of composability in the examples below.

Variability on the command line

To start, let's look at how you can leverage the power of the command line interface to make your programs more dynamic, and able to respond to user input.

On the command line, we process user input as arguments: bits of text that follow after the command that you type. You have already seen and used arugments on the command line. For example, cd exercise-3. In this case, the string exercise-2 is an argument to the cd command. It tells the cd command what to do — which directory to change to. Without the argument, the cd command would only ever be able to do one thing. To be useful, we want to indicate to it which directory we want to change to. That is what command line arguments are for.

Fortunately, Python makes it very easy to work with command line arguments. By using the sys library, which is short for "system". This is a library that contains various utilities for dealing with the computer and operating system within which your code is running.

To get started, create a new file in Atom and type the following lines:

import sys

print( sys.argv )

print( len(sys.argv) )

Make a new directory (a new folder) for Exercise 3, and save this new file into that folder. You could call it Now, cd into your new directory, and run this new program. For example:

$ python spaghetti meatballs tomato sauce parmessan
The last five words obviously are completely made up. You can type whatever you'd like here, and you can take more or fewer words as you wish. The output that I see when I do that is:
['', 'spaghetti', 'meatballs', 'tomato', 'sauce', 'parmessan']
But obviously if you typed different arguments, you'll see something different.

So far we're merely printing out the arguments, as well as a count of how many there are. Let's actually do something useful with them. (Remember, new code is in blue.)

import sys
from PIL import Image

print( sys.argv )

print( "Arguments count: " + str(len(sys.argv)) )

img = sys.argv[1] )

print("You typed the filename: " + sys.argv[1] )
print("This is a " + img.format)
print("Size: " + str(img.size) )

Now, if you run this and specify an image file in the same directory, you will see some useful information. For example:

$ python fire.jpg 
['', 'fire.jpg']
Arguments count: 2
You typed the filename: fire.jpg
This is a JPEG
JPEG (ISO 10918)
Size: (720, 480)

If you type a filename that doesn't exist, you will receive an error. Or if you type a file that is not an image, you will also receive an error. And if you don't type any arguments, you will also receive an error. Lots of errors. Some of these are too complicated to prevent right now, but one error we can easily handle:

import sys
from PIL import Image

print( sys.argv )

print( len(sys.argv) )

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This command requires one argument: the name of an image file")

img = sys.argv[1] )

print("You typed the filename: " + sys.argv[1] )
print("This is a " + img.format)
print("Size: " + str(img.size) )

That should make this a slightly more user-friendly command.


Now let's think about transcoding: translating a digital object from one encoding scheme into another. For example, converting one type of image file into a different type.

The Python Image Library (PIL, a.k.a. Pillow) makes this quite easy. When you try to save a file using Pillow, the save() command examines the name of the file that you specify, tried to determine what type of encoding is implied by that, and automatically converts the image to this encoding before saving. Quite convenient.

Let's continue with the above example:

import sys
from PIL import Image

print( sys.argv )

print( len(sys.argv) )

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This command requires one argument: the name of an image file")

img = sys.argv[1] )

print("You typed the filename: " + sys.argv[1] )
print("This is a " + img.format)
print("Size: " + str(img.size) ) sys.argv[1] + ".jpg" ) sys.argv[1] + ".gif" ) sys.argv[1] + ".tiff" ) sys.argv[1] + ".png" )

Try running that command, specify an image filename, and see what happens. Type ls after running it to see.

When I do this, I see additional files created in my directory:

and I'm able to open these to view them.

The "double" extension shouldn't be an issue. Your operating system will pay attention the last few characters to determine the file type. But if that bothers you, you could add this code to better name the files:

import sys
from PIL import Image
import re

print( sys.argv )

print( len(sys.argv) )

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This command requires one argument: the name of an image file")

img = sys.argv[1] )

print("You typed the filename: " + sys.argv[1] )
print("This is a " + img.format)
print("Size: " + str(img.size) )

base_filename = re.sub("\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*", "", sys.argv[1]) base_filename + ".jpg" ) base_filename + ".gif" ) base_filename + ".tiff" ) base_filename + ".png" )

(Remember that changed code will be in orange.)

Of course, this transcoding file converter tool is not actually that useful, since you could easily do the same thing in Preview (on Mac) or Microsoft Paint (on Windows). Although the potential usefulness of this idea comes into play if you needed to batch convert many files from one format to another. We'll talk next week how you can open many files at once.

Devorah Sperber, "After the Mona Lisa 8."
(More information here.)

Numerical coding: the pixel

Let's move on to think about the ways that digital objects are always represented internally to digital machinery as collections of numerical data. In particular, let's focus on digital images.

Digital images are comprised of pixels. These are essentially the atomic unit of digital imagery.

There are many different types of digital image files, called formats. You already know many of these: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, bitmaps, etc. Each of these different formats uses different techniques and algorithms for encoding a visual image as digital data. But you can think of all these digital images as comrpised of pixels, each one a small dot of color, arranged in a grid, each dot of color encoded as a numberical value. Strictly speaking, not all images are precisely represented as grids of pixels because many image formats use compression algorithms, which are efficiency tricks to allow an image to be comprised of less data, and hence a smaller file size. JPEGs are a prime example. But even for image formats that use compression, when you are working with images in computer programs, they all nearly always get translated into grids of numerical pixel values to be manipulated by computer program code.

Internal to most computer programs, you can think of the pixels of an image either arranged in a grid, with rows and columns, or, as a long list, in which all the rows of the grid are concatenated altogether into one long list.

Generally, the first pixel of an image is the dot located visually at the top-left corner of the image. In a list, this will be the first item, usually indicated by 0 in most computer code. This is called the index of the list. But when we're thinking about pixels in a grid, each pixel will be indicated by two indices, two numbers, refered to as coordinates.

In most computer graphics contexts, the top-left corner of the pixel grid is indicated with 0,0. The horizontal dimension is always specified first and is referred to as x, and the vertical dimension is always specified second and is referred to as y.

What would be the coordinates of this pixel?

It would be 2,3 — remember, we start counting from 0,0.

What about the coordinates of this pixel?

I would not recommend actually trying to count those! Instead you can approximate. Maybe x=30 and y=15?

Computers require us to be precise, but we can comply with that precision while also being loose and approximate in achieving the goals that we're working toward. We can leave space to play, experiment, estimate, and work by trial-and-error.

The numbers of a pixel. Each pixel is usually represented by 1, 3, or 4 numbers. When one number, it corresponds to a shade of gray. When three numbers, it corresponds to red, green, and blue, which combine to form all the colors that a system can display. When four numbers, the fourth correponds to opacity, usually referred to as alpha: how see-through is this pixel.

Each pixel value generally goes from 0 to 255. Why?

As everyone knows, computers represent numerical values internally with binary numbers. Binary counting goes like this:

If you scrutinize that, you might start to see some patterns. Two binary digits can represent up to the number 3, three binary digits can represent up to 7. If we continued, you'd see that four binary digits can represent up to 15. The pattern here is that n digits in binary can represent 2n-1 values. That means that 255 can be represented by eight binary digits. You may already know that eight binary digits (called bits) together are called a byte, and are a common unit in computing. So, each pixel is represented by one, three, or four bytes, depending on the type of color, as described above.

Thinking of color as space. I said that pixels are represented by three color components (red, green, and blue), and that is not always true. There are other models that we think of for representing color. Thinking about these it can be useful to imagine them spatially. In the diagrams below, on the left, we have R, G, B space, as a cube. Pay attention to how red, green, and blue are specified, and how they combine. On the right side is an alternative model called Hue, Saturation, Value. In this scheme, hue is represented by a value 0-360 corresponding to moving around the circular part of this cone; value moves up corresponding to how light or dark the color is; and saturation corresponds to the distance from the center to the edge of the circle. A color with low saturation appears more gray, brightness determines whether that gray would be more white or black, and hue is the actual shade of the color.

I share this with you because when working with color in computer programs, it is often much easier to do more powerful things using the HSV model. With this representation, we can have one number ranging from 0 to 360 to represent all colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet ("ROY G BIV"). With the RGB model, moving through the spectrum like this would be very difficult. We'll see some examples of this in our code for today.

Making numerical images by pattern

Let's start working with digital image objects in the most rudimentary way: by manipulating lists of pixels.

As you working with code and computers, you will start to realize that often the most "basic" way of doing something turns out to be the most complicated. The more we try to strip away layers of complexity in computing, the harder tasks become. For example, so-called "high level" programming languages (like Python or Java) are much easier to write than "low level" languages (like C or assembly). All those layers usually add ease of use. They automate the minutia and details of tasks. But working with higher level parts of the system means we often don't get to experience how computers work at more granular levels. One of the things we'll do in this first unit of the semester as we focus on digital formalism is grapple with some of these lower levels.

Let's start by creating a very small image by building up a list of pixels. Create a new file in Atom and type the following:

Example 1: Creating a simple 10x10 image

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This program requires one argument: the name of the image file that will be created.")

# Make a new 10x10 image
img ="RGB", (10,10) )[1])

Try running this. First of all, you'll see that if you don't type one argument you get a helpful error message. But then you should see that whatever filename you pass will be created as a tiny digital image, that is all black. Let's add some color to it by creating pixels:

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This program requires one argument: the name of the image file that will be created.")

# Make a new 10x10 image
img ="RGB", (10,10) )

data = []
for i in range(100):
    pixel = (i, 0, 0)
    data.append( pixel )


With this code, we're making a new array. Then we are looping from 0 to 99. That's because a 10x10 image will require 100 pixels, and remember that in computer programs lists almost always start with 0. Inside that loop, as the variable i increases from 0 to 99, we're using i as the red component of a pixel value in the variable called pixel, then using append() to add that to a list. Finally, when the loop is complete, we use a Pillow command called putdata() to add that list of pixels into the new image.

Run that and see what it looks like. If you open the resulting image with a program like Preview and zoom in, you should see something like this:

Can you try to do some more interesting things with these pixels values? Here's an attempt:

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This program requires one argument: the name of the image file that will be created.")

# Make a new 10x10 image
img ="RGB", (10,10) )

data = []
for i in range(100):
    pixel = (i, 0, 255-i)
    data.append( pixel )


What other patterns can you create with that loop?

As a next step, try simply making a larger image. Here I'll make a 400x400 pixel image. That means 160,000 pixels total:

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This program requires one argument: the name of the image file that will be created.")

# Make a new 400x400 image
img ="RGB", (400,400) )

data = []
for i in range(160000):
    pixel = (i, 0, 255-i)
    data.append( pixel )


This works in some sense. If you open the resulting image and zoom in you'll see a thin stripe of gradient in the top row of the image. But technically this has some errors. The pixel values are going to get very large as the loop increases, larger than 255. So this might create some glitchy images, depending on the image format.

The modulo operator (%). One way you could improve on this behavior is to use the modulo operator: %. This symbol calculates a remainder.

So for example: 33 % 10 calculates the remainder when 33 is divided by 10, and the result is 3. (10 goes in to 33 three times, with a remainder of 3.)

This is a very powerful idea in computer science and computer programming. If you ever have a variable that you are incrementing, but you want to constrain it to not exceed some maximum value, you can use modulo.

Have a look at another example and step through to make sure you understand what's going on here:

>>> for i in range(10):
...   print(i % 3)

When i is 0, 1, or 2, the remainder when i is divided by 3 is simply 0, 1, and 2, respectively. (e.g. 3 goes in to 2 zero times, with a remainder of 2.) But when i equals 3, the remainder is 0 — because 3 goes in one time, with no remainder. And when i equals 4, 3 goes in one time with remainder 1. And the pattern continues.

We can use this in our pixel example by incrementing a looping variable, and applying a % 255 to ensure that the variable never increases beyond 255:

Example 2: Introducing the modulo operator

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This program requires one argument: the name of the image file that will be created.")

# Make a new 400x400 image
img ="RGB", (400,400) )

data = []
for i in range(160000):
    pixel = (i%255, 0, 0)
    data.append( pixel )


If you run this, you should see a 400x400 image comprised of small gradients as the red component of the pixel values increase to 255 and then reset to 0.

Play with this new technique and see what you can get. What if you use different modulo values on the red, green, and blue components.

Pixels on the x,y grid. Remember, we can work with pixels on the x,y grid, horizontally and vertically as well. Not just one single list of pixels.

Create a new file in Atom and type the following:

Example 3: Working with pixels on as a grid

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This program requires one argument: the name of the image file that will be created.")

# Make a new 400x400 image
img ="RGB", (400,400) )

for y in range(400):

    for x in range(400):

        pixel = (x % 255, 0, y % 255)
        img.putpixel( (x,y), pixel )[1])

This code, called a nested loop, first loops from 0 to 400 incrementing y each time, and each time it increments y, it then loops again from 0 to 400, incrementing x each time. That means the code inside the inner loop will operate on all pixels one at a time, based on their x,y values. Here I'm using x to control the red value, and y to control the blue. Run this and see what that pattenr looks like.

The output of Example 3. Red increases with x, from left to right, and blue increases with y, from top to bottom.

Modulo is also very useful to determine even and odd numbers. If n % 2 is zero, that means n is divisible by 2, which means that it is even. Similary if n % 3 is zero, that means it is divisible by 3, and so on. We can use this fact to create interesting repetitions and striping behavior:

Example 4: Using modulo and the pixel grid to make stripes

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This program requires one argument: the name of the image file that will be created.")

# Make a new 400x400 image
img ="RGB", (400,400) )

for y in range(400):

    for x in range(400):

        r = 0
        b = 0
        if x % 50 == 0:
            b = 255
        if y % 20 == 0:
            r = 255

        if y % 30 == 0:
            r = 255
            b = 255

        pixel = (r, 0, b)
        img.putpixel( (x,y), pixel )[1])
The output of Example 4. Notice that the vertical blue stripes repeat every 50 pixels; the red stripes are spaced out by 20 pixels, and the violet stripes are spaced out by 30. Every 60 pixels, the red and violet align, and the violet takes priority over the red.

As a last step here, we can use the modulo operator not just checking equality (==) but checking ranges, with < and >. Have a look at this example and its output:

Example 5: Using modulo, the pixel grid, and greater than / less than operators

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("This program requires one argument: the name of the image file that will be created.")

# Make a new 400x400 image
img ="RGB", (400,400) )

for y in range(400):

    for x in range(400):

        r = 0
        g = 0
        b = 0
        if x % 50 > 25:
            r = 255

        if y % 50 > 25:
            b = 255

        if x % 100 > 50 and y % 100 > 50:
            g = 255

        pixel = (r, g, b)
        img.putpixel( (x,y), pixel )[1])
The output from Example 5.

Combining images

This is as far as we got in class. I encourage you to play with the below examples while doing the homework for this week, and we'll pick up here next week in class.

Example 6: Combining images

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    exit("This program requires two arguments: the name of two image files to combine.")

# open both images
img1 = sys.argv[1] )
img2 = sys.argv[2] )

# resize both images so they are no bigger than 400x400
# but preserve the original aspect ratio
img1.thumbnail( (400,400) )
img2.thumbnail( (400,400) )

# make a new image 600x600, with a white background
new_image = "RGB", (600,600), "white" )

# paste in the first image to the upper-left corner (0,0)
new_image.paste(img1, (0,0) )

# paste in the second image, to (200,200)
new_image.paste(img2, (200,200) )

# save the resulting image"new.jpg")

Example 7: Combining images with transparency

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    exit("This program requires two arguments: the name of two image files to combine.")

# open both images
img1 = sys.argv[1] )
img2 = sys.argv[2] )

# resize both images so they are no bigger than 400x400
# but preserve the original aspect ratio
img1.thumbnail( (400,400) )
img2.thumbnail( (400,400) )

# make a new image 600x600, with a white background
# Note that this image now has an "alpha" component
new_image = "RGBA", (600,600), "white" )

# paste in the first image to the upper-left corner (0,0)
new_image.paste(img1, (0,0) )

# add some transparency (alpha) to the second image

# paste in the second image, preserving its new transparency
new_image.alpha_composite(img2, (200,200) )

# save the resulting image
# Note that we must convert it to RGB with no alpha to save it as a JPEG

# Alternatively, we could have avoided converting by saving it to a
# PNG like this (since PNGs allow alpha):

Note: I fixed the below code example after class today, so even though it was throwing an error during class, it should work for you now to run and experiment with.

Example 8: Combining images with transparency based on pixel values of the source image

import sys
from PIL import Image 

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    exit("This program requires two arguments: the name of two image files to combine.")

# open both images
img1 = sys.argv[1] )
img2 = sys.argv[2] )

# resize both images so they are no bigger than 400x400
# but preserve the original aspect ratio
img1.thumbnail( (400,400) )
img2.thumbnail( (400,400) )

# make a new image 600x600, with a white background
# Note that this image now has an "alpha" component
new_image = "RGBA", (600,600), "white" )

# paste in the first image to the upper-left corner (0,0)
new_image.paste(img1, (0,0) )

# convert the second image to a new image with transparency (alpha)
img2_alpha = img2.convert("RGBA")

# modify the second image, make all bluish pixels totally transparent
# (alpha 255)
(width,height) = img2_alpha.size
for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):
        (red,green,blue,alpha) = img2_alpha.getpixel((x,y))
        if blue > red and blue > green:
            img2_alpha.putpixel( (x,y), (0,0,0,0) )

# paste in the second image, preserving its new transparency.
# Note that this time I'm placing it at 0,0 to show the transparent overlay
new_image.alpha_composite(img2_alpha, (0,0) )

# save the resulting image
# Note that we must convert it to RGB with no alpha to save it as a JPEG

# Alternatively, we could have avoided converting by saving it to a
# PNG like this (since PNGs allow alpha):