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Weekly plan: class notes, assignments, etc
Unit 1, Exercise 1, due Tuesday, January 26, 8pm
Mon, Jan 25. Slide presentation, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Weds, Jan 27. Unit 1, Exercise 2: Algorithmic coding experiments & the Python Image Library. Class notes, Zoom recording with subtitles, text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Mon, Feb 1. Slide presentation, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Weds, Feb 3. Unit 1, Exercise 3 lesson: Images and files; encoding, decoding, transcoding; glitch. Class notes, Zoom recording, searchable text transcript with timestamps, and group chat log.
Mon, Feb 8. Slide presentation, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Weds, Feb 10. Unit 1, Exercise 4 lesson: Randomness; shaping probability distributions; working with files. Class notes, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
No readings this week.
Weds, Feb 17. Unit 1 work share. Complete your work as outlined in the Unit 1, Exercise 4 homework assignment: prepare to discuss your peer code review, and share your work!
There was no homework assigned this week since we had work presentations instead of a technical lesson. The only thing you need to work on for next week (besides the reading) is to do your Unit 1 synthesis / write-up.
As the syllabus states "Each unit will culminate with you synthesizing the exercises in some way (you might extend some of them, or merge two together) and writing a 1-2 page reflection on the techniques that you’ve learned, linking them to the readings and class discussions for that unit." As we discussed in class (see the Mon, Feb 22 Zoom recordings) you should use this write-up as an opportunity to conjoin knowledge that you've gained so far in both our conceptual and technical discussions. How has the hands-on work for this unit offered you deeper insights into the conceptual material? And how has the conceptual material offered richer context around the hands-on techniques that you've been learning? Please integrate discussion and citation of at least two of our readings from this unit. Feel free to reference back to your reading responses for any of these texts.
Due Friday, Feb 26, 8pm. Please upload these to your Google folder, named as "Unit 1 write-up".
What and how to read this week: Let's please focus on the Benjamin book and the Eubanks article. For the article titled "Metadata," I only expect you to read the first part of this document — I hope you can make it through sections 1 - 4.1. This piece is written from the perspective of information science — a field associated with the organization of knowledge such as libraries, archives, and databases. The two articles from Wired magazine are background for the technical work of Unit 2. We'll look at images from the Mallonee article in class.
Ruha Benjamin, Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, Polity Press, 2019, Introduction and chapter 5
Mon, Feb 22. Slide presentation, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Weds, Feb 24. Unit 2, Exercise 1 lesson: Experiments with data, data structures, and metadata (image Exif data). Class notes Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Douglas Rushkoff, Program or Be Programmed (2010), pages 7-27
Miriam Posner, "JavaScript is for Girls", Logic magazine, March 15, 2017. (PDF available here.) Also check out the other references that are linked in the sentence that reads "innumerable articles and books have pointed out but".
Mon, March 1. Slide presentation, Zoom recording (with subtitles), and group chat log. Zoom is still processing the text transcript (as of Mar 10) - I will upload when ready.
Weds, March 3. Unit 2, Exercise 2 Lesson: Web scraping, and visualizing network diagrams. Class notes, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Mon, March 8. Slide presentation, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, and group chat log.
Weds, March 10. Unit 2, Exercise 3 lesson: Trees. Class notes, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Please note: We're changing up the schedule a little this week. The reading will be due Tuesday night, for discussion in class on Wednesday. Next week we'll return to our usual schedule with readings due on Sunday night for discussion Monday, and Wednesday as a technical work (Unit 2 presentations).
(Readings listed here will be due for discussion this week. Please post your comments in the reading response document under "Week 9" by Tuesday, March 23, 8pm, and prepare to discuss these texts in class this week.)Mon, March 22. Technical topics review — welcome back from break
Weds, March 24. Slide presentation, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, and group chat log.
No in-person group meetings this week. Instead we will be meeting one-on-one for our Integrated-Advising Seminar sessions. Please see the sign up sheet and select a time slot for our meeting.
Mon, April 5. Slides (we did not view these in class). Instead we reviewed some technical material in preparation for Wednesday. We examined and debugged this file from Nancy: gistfile1.py. Archive of part of the class session is available here as: Zoom recording, searchable text transcript with timestamps, and group chat log.
Weds, April 7. Unit 2 culmination & work share
There is no homework assigned this week since we had work presentations instead of a technical lesson. The only thing you need to work on for next week (besides the reading) is to do your Unit 2 synthesis / write-up.
As the syllabus states "Each unit will culminate with you synthesizing the exercises in some way (you might extend some of them, or merge two together) and writing a 1-2 page reflection on the techniques that you’ve learned, linking them to the readings and class discussions for that unit." As we discussed in class (see the Mon, Feb 22 Zoom recordings) you should use this write-up as an opportunity to conjoin knowledge that you've gained so far in both our conceptual and technical discussions. How has the hands-on work for this unit offered you deeper insights into the conceptual material? And how has the conceptual material offered richer context around the hands-on techniques that you've been learning? Please integrate discussion and citation of at least two of our readings from this unit. Feel free to reference back to your reading responses for any of these texts.
Due Tuesday, April 13, 8pm. Please upload these to your Google folder, named as "Unit 2 write-up".
Weds, April 14. Unit 3, Exercise 1 lesson: The hyperlink, HTML, and CSS. Class notes, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, group chat log
Weds, April 21. Unit 3, Exercise 2 lesson: More CSS and multimedia (images, video, audio). Class notes, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, and group chat log.
Unit 3, Exercise 2: Assignment, due Tuesday, April 27, 8pm
Weds, April 28. Unit 3, Exercise 3 lesson: Adding interactivity with Javascript. Class notes, Zoom recording with subtitles, searchable text transcript with timestamps, and group chat log.
Unit 3, Exercise 3: Assignment, due Tuesday, May 4, 8pm
Course evaluations! — Please complete course evaluations for our class and all your classes this semester.
Mon, May 3. Slide presentation, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, and group chat log.
Weds, May 5. Unit 3, Exercise 4 lesson: More JavaScript techniques. Class notes, Zoom recording (with subtitles), searchable text transcript with timestamps, and group chat log.
Monday, May 10: In-class project presentations.
Final project and write-up due Friday, May 14, 8pm.